“NUOVA BN is a family company born in 1979.
Our company develops and builds operating tables and operating surgical devices at its factory in Vinovo (Turin) constantly following the research‘s evolution and health‘s technology.
NUOVA BN has always distinguished itself as an innovative company starting from the first table top transfer system in the world (Industrial Invention Patent of 1981) which has led to a new way of thinking the surgical activity in the operating theatre. Table top transfer system is even now one of the innovations most used in the most modern operating theatres all over the world. The products are the results of a constant and profitable dialog with doctors and clinical engineers; surgeon’s needs drive the company to the best result for the patient’s wellness as for example the realization for the first time in the operating theatre of anti-decubitus foam mattresses.
From design to after-sale assistance NUOVA BN achieves goals of excellence: an organized and efficient production structure, a more and more evolved and high performance materials research, controls, certifications and a qualified technical assistance able to produce spare parts and mechanical parts of all kinds.
NUOVA BN is an international company composed by different specialized production departments and by a reliable and dynamic staff who carries out with passion and competences his duties.
Design, development of sophisticated software, project of every kind of mechanical and electronic parts and commercial management together with assistance make NUOVA BN a complete, articulated and with a solid building heritage company. The complete productive cycle, from raw material to shipment, is at Vinovo’s factory.
Since 1996 the Company is certified ISO 9001. Quality is an essential instrument for the production of electro-medical devices, products that need high evolved technological reliability. In 2008 NUOVA BN has also obtained the Certification UNI EN ISO 13485: 2004.
NUOVA BN ‘s production force, constantly growing, differs among mechanical operating tables, delivery beds, electromechanical operating tables from basic till top models, multi specialistic stretchers, plastic trolleys with more than 250 accessories suitable for every kind of surgical activity.
The presence of NUOVA BN in the international and in the national market is stronger and stronger thanks to the commercial network, the established relationship with partners and distributors and the product’s reliability.”
To Learn more about Nuova BN, visit https://www.nuovabn.it/.